Did you know? Buying food from local farmers can be cheaper and better for you? Not only that, local food systems can help foster local economies, improve supply chain resilience and increase regional biodiversity. Here are some tips to help your diet stay local even in winter!

Check out our Top 5 Tips, with links to learn more about how to get started!

  1. PLAN AHEAD: Top 5 Foods That Store Well Over Winter

If stored in a cool dark and dry place, these Quebec-grown vegetables can be preserved fresh for months! Grow extra during the warm season and stock up at the local markets when it’s in season!

  1. Potatoes
  2. Onions
  3. Apples
  4. Carrots
  5. Squash

2. BUY THESE LOCALLY: Top 5 Foods That Can Be Harvested in Winter

These vegetables and greens can be cultivated year-round in Quebec.

  1. Spinach
  2. Kale
  3. Radish
  4. Onions
  5. Bok Choy

3. GROW YOUR OWN: Food At Home Year-round with Sprouts and Microgreens

Sprouts are the fastest-growing superfood, ready to eat in as few as 3 days for some varieties!

Sprouts are incredibly healthy and are full of protein, essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and are a great source of antioxidants.

4. PRESERVE THE HARVEST (Canned, Fermented and Pickled Vegetables)

A classic method to preserve food and unlock nutrients – fermenting is a great way to transform your harvest and enjoy it through the winter season!


Buying local winter vegetables helps local producers and the local economy. For several years now, greenhouse vegetables baskets in the winter have become increasingly common This practice allows consumers to buy tomatoes, lettuce and even fresh Quebec cucumber 365 days a year.

5 Local Foods You Can Find Year Round

  1. Mushrooms

There are many local mushroom cultivators in Montreal who grow fungi year-round indoors! Mushrooms are a rich, low-calorie source of fiber, protein, and antioxidants. You can even grow them yourself at home with a kit!

  1. Honey and Maple Syrup

Pure Quebec maple syrup can be refrigerated for up to a year once opened, and be frozen indefinitely!

  1. Eggs

Unpasteurized eggs can contain up to 20x more Omega 3 Oils than ones from factory-farmed chickens. Look for organic and free-range options when possible.

4. Frozen meat from local farms

Vacuum-sealed meat can be kept frozen and last at peak quality for up to a year! Look for organic and free-range options when possible.

  1. Milk and Cheese

Year-round, cows produce milk across the province, creating a nutrient-rich local food source (lol)

Look for organic and free-range options when possible.

10. Frozen Vegetables and Fruit

Generally, frozen foods retain their vitamins and minerals and there is no change to the carbohydrate, protein, or fat content. Frozen produce can keep for up to a year!


Enthoven, Van den Broeck – Local Food Systems: Reviewing Two Decades of Research

Being a Sub-Zero Locavore

A List of WHERE to source local stuff in winter in Ontario

10 Recipes to eat Local even in Winter

Sustainable America Infographic